École Secondaire Notre Dame High School – Sea-can Conservation Project

Students in the Career and Technology Services program will have an opportunity to transform a sea-can into a tiny home. This project facilitates cross-curricular and inquiry-based learning to students and has been allocated $2,500.

RDCRS READS 2018 Summer Reading Program

The RDCRS READS Summer Reading Program is an exciting way to encourage our students to read throughout the summer months. The goal is to foster a love of reading through continued access to books. Seventeen of our schools have chosen to participate in this program with approximately 4,000 students involved. $5,000 has been allotted towards this program.


In order for our students to have a chance for higher academic achievement, we need to continue to support them by building strong literacy environments to develop a culture of
readers in our students. The funds were used for book bags for students participating in RDCRS READS. Students who took books from the school library received a bag and brought them back in September. Over 5400 students and over 16,000 books were given out.

The data is telling us that we are doing well. Students and parent want the program!
(Highlight Data: 311 parents responded, 434 elementary students responded, 105 middle school students responded.)

  • 46% of elementary students said they read more because of this Reading Program
  • 72% of elementary students said they would like books again next summer
  • 87% said they would like the Learning Commons open next summer
  • 77% of parents said they would like books from the school next summer
  • 40% of parents said their child’s reading improved because of the Reading Program
  • 4 Schools had libraries open


RDCRS READS 2017 Summer Reading Program

The RDCRS READS Summer Reading Program is an exciting way to encourage our students to read throughout the summer months. Sixteen of our schools have chosen to participate in this program with approximately 2,600 students involved in the summer of 2016. $9978 has been allotted towards this program.


St. Joseph High School – Chapel Supplies

The school will purchase a mass kit to allow students to participate regularly in mass, which emphasizes the centrality of the Eucharist while forming leaders inspired by Christ and His Church. The school has been given $6000 for these supplies.



We at St. Joseph High School were blessed to receive funding from the Catholic Education Foundation to purchase various items for our chapel. We now have all that is necessary to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for small groups as well as our whole school division. Our first Mass was the division opening Mass on August 30, 2017. We have celebrated Mass on the third Thursday of every month with Fr. Tom. On October 28 we hosted the Archdiocesan Youth Rally where we began with Mass in the morning and continued with adoration throughout the rest of the day. Our chapel was the focal point of the day. It is with immense gratitude that we thank the Catholic Education Foundation for their generous contribution to our school.”