St. Patrick’s Community School – Drama Production, “Scrooge”

Approximately 50 students at this school will be involved in a dramatic production of “Scrooge” adapted by Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.  $2,000 has been allotted towards this production to aide in the purchase of the script, sound and lighting systems, costumes and various props.

St. Patrick’s Community School – Breakfast Program

The Breakfast Program at this school has been a great success with teacher’s noticing an increase in student focus after using this program. The student population at this school will benefit from $3,000 towards their Breakfast Program.

St. Patrick’s Community School – Increasing Interest and Reading Comprehension

Middle School students at this school will benefit from the purchase of books to stock their classroom libraries, allowing students a variety of books to read throughout the day. $2,500 has been allotted towards the purchase of new books for Middle School classroom libraries.

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School – Faith Based Classroom Libraries

Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 students will benefit from an assortment of Faith based books in their classroom libraries. $1,130 has been allotted towards the purchase of these books.

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School – Faith Based Classroom Libraries

The Grade 4 and 5 classrooms at this school will receive $850 towards the purchase of faith-based books. These books will benefit current and future students in both literacy and faith development.

St. Gabriel Online School – Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program

High School students from St. Gabriel Online School will join students from École Secondaire Notre Dame High School and St. Dominic Catholic High School for an Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program. This is a blended learning program that will focus on building student resilience, emotional and cognitive competence, social connectivity, as well as physical capability. $4,500 will go towards the initial start-up costs of purchasing equipment and will also assist in covering some of the trip costs.

St. Francis of Assisi Middle School – Faith Retreats

Grade 7 and 8 students at this school will benefit from attending a Faith Retreat at Our Lady of Victory Camp where they will learn what it means to become an active Catholic community member in our schools, families, church and community. $5,430 has been allotted to help fund these Faith Retreats.

École Our Lady of the Rosary School – Building Christian Character Centre

This mobile technology centre will be a valuable addition to the school’s Learning Commons. It will include iPad’s, sitting cushions, faith books, puzzles and a set of Bible characters in the form of puppets. $2,500 has been allotted towards the purchase of the necessary start up costs for this Building Christian Character Centre.

École Secondaire Notre Dame High School – Bridging the Gap

The school’s Knowledge and Employability English and Social Studies classes will receive $900 to help student’s bridge the gap between this age demographic and the elderly in Red Deer. Seniors from Victoria Park will meet regularly with students and participate in activities that are designed to foster relationship building, mentoring, empathy, compassion and communication.

École Secondaire Notre Dame High School – Senior Boys Basketball Tournament

The Cougar Classic Tournament at École Secondaire Notre Dame High School will receive $1,000 in funding to allow the Senior Boys Basketball team to include a Saturday Mass and breakfast prepared by The Knights of Columbus.